Fast Response Belfast Plumbers, Heating Engineers, Oil Boiler Specialists.07531984173
You are only a Text, Whatsapp or Phone Call away from having a reliable Plumber, Electrician, Boiler Engineer call to your door, equipped with loads of experience, honesty and a desire to help.
Text. Phone or Whatsapp 07531984173 for a fast response to an Oil Supply needing Bled, a Faulty Cistern Flush or any other Plumbing, Heating or Electrical Fault.
We are OFTEC trained Oil Boiler Engineers with over 20 years of job repairs and installations to rely on.
We not only plan and install bathroom suites and shower trays with associated tiling/pvc but we also repair and install electric showers at competitive rates with no call out fee.
Your Faulty Flush, Overflow, Faulty Taps, Heating, Hot Water or Oil Boiler problem can be repaired and resolved the same day.
And as Master Plumbers we solve other problems caused by faulty Time Clocks, Programmers, Motorised Valves, Thermostats, Circulation Pumps and Immersion Heaters.
Serving the Belfast, Lisburn, Glenavy, Crumlin, Holywood, Four Winds, Glengormley, Carryduff, Newtownabbey areas for over 20 years.
We will not charge you for our call out and will provide a free no obligations quote for the repair or new installation.
Past customer recommendations available.
Listed under : Bathroom Plumbing

If you are interested in buying this item, you can either contact the seller direct on 07531984173 or you can use our simple enquiry form. The seller is located in Belfast BT10.